Recently I changed my Distribution, back to
Archlinux. Shortly: I am surprised about the speed and the quality of the distribution. A year ago everything was a little messed (espacially the ATI-driver).
To install the original Ati-Drivers, you need:
- pacman -S ati-fglrx ati-fglrx-utils
- modprobe fglrx or change your rc.conf to load fglrx at bootup
- create new xorg.conf or use your old one and run aticonfig (very useful program with many options regarding your ati-card)
- and change manually /etc/X11/xorg.conf: Uncomment the lines regarding "dri 0666" - Background: Normal users are not allowed to touch the acceleration of the graphic card
Sorry, ubuntu, you've had your chance, but arch is faster, updated regularly and everything is working now...